Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Disneyland Californa September 2012

Our Family at Dana Point, California at our friends beautiful wedding.....

Our 3 Beautiful children at our friends wedding at Dana Point, California

What a wonderful 34th Birthday I had! Not only did I get to spend in beautiful California, but I got to celebrate at Disneyland California! Gracie turned 9 while we were out there too... She was born on the 20th of September a few days before mine on the 23rd :)! She was my birthday present :)! While in Disneyland and Disney's California adventure we also got to see the space shuttle Endeavor fly over head for it's last and final flight.  To top off our awesome California trip we got to attend the most beautiful wedding of our dear friends Skip and Kim Douglas.  They were married on a gorgeous terrace overlooking Dana Point California and the beautiful Pacific ocean! Shane performed the ceremony...I was so proud of him and it got me looking forward to renewing our vows on our 15th Anniversary!

Gracie and I at our birthday party with Mickey and Donald at Disneyland California  

The Entrance of Disneyland California
 Halloween Mickey and our Family.....Notice my baby bump! Baby Number 4 is on the way, but Celebrated with us as well :)!
The Space shuttle Endeavor as it flew over Disneyland Resorts In California...This was it's last flight and was an amazing experience to see it!

1 comment:

KiwiQi said...

wow!ur daughter is beautiful !