Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a stone's throw pillow :) hehehe

I am up a little later than normal tonight...The past few days have been very eye opening and refreshing :)

We have as a family been dealing with a huge decision and decided that we wouldn't go forth with our plans...On top of that we are dealing with church stuff out the butt....Good stuff and some bad, but i can say in any church, traditional or not that is going to be the case...When people come together they bring problems and even some of us crazy pastor's families can bring problems...the only difference at Ridge Pointe is we are more open in our family called the stone's :) which is good and bad....

I am in much prayer for the right decisions to be made and God to show up, because Ridge Pointe is His! There are a lot of things that need to change to go with the vision...Keep It simple is NUMBER One...Sunday Church and Home Groups should be the only priorities...

I myself as a pastor's wife find myself learning some things too, maybe it will help some of you pastors wives that are reading.

1. That planning an event just to have one (because there is no one else to plan it)is not important...and can make our "Simple Vision" complicated...it has to stop especially if the vision and mission of the church is not in practice with such an event....Basically if it isn't done to reach the unchurch, disconnected or lost...then it shouldn't happen!
2. To Shut up...I know that sounds so harsh :) but it is true. I am the type of person who tends to be myself a little too much...I say my piece and i get very frustrated easily plus take things super personal when it comes to the church that my husband and our family has sacrificed for, but that said I am learning to pull back some...not change who i am, but just maybe not be so open..because i don't want my openness to cause me or my family to be vulnerable or to be misunderstood which it has been many times! So I am prayerfully working on myself...LOL if that makes any sense at all! What is cool is I am not perfect and unfortunately with my personality the whole world sees my honesty and truth in that matter...Perfection isn't my strength..but open book is for sure beside my picture in the dictionary :)....along with other word i would never say on this blog :)nevertheless shutting up comes at a price for me...because it pulls me back into a solitary place that can be so alone but so necessary as a pastor's wife for her man.
3. Trusting God...AHHHHH yes y'all i am still learning this...see you would think after my whole life of being in God's Work I would have this one down, because i have seen God in action my friends, but sometimes you have to remind the old mare to go with a good swift kick and yes i do in fact get those good swift kicks a lot! I know to Trust my Lord but my heart sometimes doesn't wanna go there...so goes the swift kick....
4. To Create Boundaries for Myself and My Family...This is a super huge hard hard hard one for me because again...it places me in a lonely place where only Jesus can meet me....This one also includes taking care of my man and making bounderies not only for me but him too...through prayer, love and everyday relationships building up God Walls around my man whom God has called..Because even though He is strong in God he is vulnerable to satan's plan and attack, mentally, physically, emotional and even spirtually...satan wants my man beat down so that he can't do the call of god, but I have to stand up and pray down protection for not only the man that I love, but the man i know to be after God's own Heart....I must be prayerfully watching my children especially as the get older and pray protective hedges in their lives not only as children but mainly as "pk's" aka preacher's kids...I have been one so i know the things that can be said to these children and the overwhelming hate that can begin to burn in a pk's heart for those who come against the church and or the daddy :)....This hasn't happened at our church THANK GOD, but still it is so very important for me as their mother and shane, their daddy to watch out for them because at the end of the day if we haven't reached them, but rather watched them turn into bitter, god hating people then all we have worked for will have been in vain.
5. Putting God First....my open book syndrome is coming out here, because i can honestly say i haven't been doing this...I have been putting ideas first, friendships first, church first, but somewhere down the line God and My Family got lost....NO MORE...
things will always go hay wire when you don't have the order correct...This is our personal order :)
GOD, FAMILY, CHURCH, Business, and So on...

I could keep going but I can share later...More To come I am sure of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there :) To God be the Glory in all that you do. Its all Good :) And you will shine all the more:) It takes a Godly woman to be able to stand back and take a look with Christs councel and to look at situations through His eyes. Not everyone has to understand, only that you know its His voice Speaking and your heart thats changed. You go Girl !!!!!